Asians in America and New York Strangers Sports Organization, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, are joining forces to deliver meals to hospitals, emergency medical services, fire departments, and police precincts in the five boroughs. We are here to ensure the heroes on the frontline are fed and fueled to fight another day. 100% of donations are tax-deductible and will go towards the purchase and donation of meals for frontline workers. Asians in America’s mission is to create a pan-Asian-American movement to increase social services to the Asian-American community and empower the Asian-American community to take advantage of them. With this increased Asian-American civic engagement, Asians in America will help those in need in the ways that only we can: with a large network at our disposal offering community and culturally sensitive solutions. However, we quickly realized that our community needed our help NOW and we would best serve the community by feeding the first responders who are putting themselves at risk to battle the coronavirus and protect our communities. We are proud to partner with New York Strangers Sports Organization, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, best known for its work with the youth in Chinatown. We hope to participate in the creation of the next generation of leaders. Through its existing network and volunteers, New York Strangers will aid us in our expansion into a full non-profit organization known for increasing Asian-American civic participation and engagement, and in improving the operational capacity of our current initiative to feed the frontline. Our group of local volunteers, from a variety of professions and backgrounds, have developed a comprehensive plan to allocate resources to as many frontline workers as possible. Link to our GoFundMe page:…/zhcvp-revitalizing-the-asian…